30 Sept 2012


Last couple of days have been quite crappy. Don't know why, but I've been in a bad mood, had some problems going on. As I said it one of the previous post, I try to find happiness in small things, in everyday things and people. So what was my ''therapy'' thins week?

* It all started with celebrating my best friends graduation! I won't go into details, but I will tell you it was a lot of fun. :)

*I love to read a good book or a magazine. Considering the mood I am in, Agatha Christie seemed perfect choice at the moment. I was not in the mood for a ChicLit, although I have a couple of good ones waiting for me on the bookshelf. 

*Story Book is a Croatian fashion/lifestyle magazine. It comes out every three months (as the seasons change). I don't know why but I always prefer the autumn and winter editions. 

*And my oh my do you see these lovely Jeffrey Campbell LITA's?! They finally arrived to Croatia and I am in a serious need of a simple black ones! 

* I like to eat! And I am type of person that finds comfort in food! Which is why I'm on a diet now XD I'm on a Un-diet, where you eat quite a lot and you're losing weight. And it works (5 kg down after a month. SUCCESS!!) Anyway if you need to lose weight and don't want to be hungry, I'd say this is a perfect diet for you.

* When I first started using make up, I had two lipsticks and I was using them all the time. Then I got bored of the whole lipstick thing and turned to lip glosses. It was like this until last year, when I started using lipsticks a lot. I've got a few as presents and simply stared using them again. Needless to say I've got a little collection of lipsticks now because every time I feel down and I see a nice lipstick (and not too expensive) I treat myself with it. As you can see the same thing happened two days ago. I bought pinkish and red one. They are both sheer so they're perfect for everyday use which I actually needed. I've realized I have a bunch of ''dramatic'' lipsticks and only one ''normal''. 

What is your ''therapy'' when you feel down? 


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