8 Oct 2012

To do or not to do?

So now that the academic year has officially started and I'm no longer at Uni, I feel kind of lost! Yes I do work, but that is not every day. I guess I need to start finding myself again and my life needs to be more organized. 

I like it how some bloggers such as In The Spring She Writes put their weekly wishes or to do lists so I decided I'd be a copy cat and do the same. I always write to do lists but I think this way I'll actually do everything I wrote down to do. :) 

This weeks to do list:

* clean my room (it's become such a mess)
* finish the book I started reading
*finally put last two book shelves on the wall ( I was re-painting my walls )
* get rid of all the clothes I haven't worn for two years or more
*start taking walks by the lake

I think this 5 bigger things are enough for the start! To do lists are depressing if they are do big or to ambitious, right?

What are your plans for this week?


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